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The Silent Epidemic

Does your partner control your spending? Do they make fights whenever you try and talk about money? Do you do the lion’s share of the unpaid work in your home?

If wonder if you answered yes to any of these questions?

kimFinancial abuse is where someone exploits you financially. This may occur overtly from them forcing you into domestic slavery, extorting money from your marriage partnership, stealing and selling your possessions or accruing loans in your name.

Financial abuse can take many forms. These may include not sharing or contributing to the unpaid domestic labor required to maintain a home, choosing a place to live that will isolate other family members ability to earn an income and confining a person to domestic responsibilities.

This can be destructive to a person’s health and vitality and may damage their confidence, relationships and mental health.

Why do people inflict this on people they love?

Financial abuse usually begins with a family member who has been brought up to feel entitled while being poorly equipped to deal with life.

On the outside this person may appear confident and strong, but needing to financially control their family proves this strength is just a show.

If  hidden credit cards or loans are not exposed, divorcing them or threatening to leave may increase the chance of bring financial ruin down on all family members.

Because of this we suggest you don’t leave or threaten divorce without first getting someone in to help sort through your family’s financial affairs. You should also know that divorce is not the only option to resolve this situation.

Back From the Looking Glass –

Back From the Looking Glass – 13 Steps to a Peaceful Home by Kim and Steve Cooper.

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